Resources below are provided as a member service of the State Bar of Georgia. This list is provided as a service to lawyers seeking employment. The list is not intended to be inclusive or an endorsement of any organization. Members are advised to use their own due diligence prior to using the services of these or any other organizations.
The State Bar of Georgia lists government attorney positions and judicial vacancies. Read More
Handling pro bono cases with the support of a structured pro bono program can provide lawyers an opportunity to learn new skills, stay engaged with clients, and network within the legal community.
Volunteer lawyer support resources are an excellent starting point for exploring new areas of practice. Manuals, training videos, forms and more can be found on the website managed by the State Bar of Georgia Pro Bono Project,
This is a free membership website for lawyers and lawyer-supervised advocates. You will find an array of materials covering family law, consumer law, public benefits, unemployment insurance and much more from programs like the Georgia Legal Services Program, the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation, the Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta, the Atlanta Legal Aid Society and others.
Members of can take advantage of our listservs, our statewide membership roster and our webinars and webcasts. Each web resource provides the email address of the attorney or legal program supplying the resource so that you can communicate directly with the poster. You may also join the practice areas of our national support programs, such as the National Health Law Project, Immigration Advocates Network, Prisoners’ Rights and more.
If you think you may move to another state for work, check out the support websites of the states in our pro bono network,, to expand your search.
If you have any questions, please email them to
Georgia law schools' career centers may be of assistance to you.
Visit the Georgia Department of Labor’s portal for unemployment and job listing resources.
The benefits of membership include: